As I have mentioned before I have always envisioned myself as a life long learner. No matter where I have been in my journey I look at my professional growth as paramount in performing the job at hand. Education has proven no different. I am intrinsically motivated to provide the teachers and students that I serve with the most up to date and pertinent knowledge that will allow them to both be successful. In that endeavor I have taken the opportunity through Kenan Fellows as well as their Professional Learning process to continue my growth.
Part of my professional plan this year was to build my knowledge in regards to content but also to continue to hone my craft of coaching those teachers I work with everyday. Essentially I wanted to translate my learning to them so that they could strengthen the instruction they are providing our kids. I have not been disappointed with the learning opportunities I have participated in thus far.
Cameron Art Museum afforded me an amazing opportunity to learn to integrate literacy into the STEAM classroom. They immersed us in activities that crossed content lines and addressed a diverse group of learners all while building the literacy skills of our students. This goal was one that I have written into my professional development plan as well as one that I am intrinsically motivated to accomplish. The day was amazing and I have already implemented strategies into a professional development I offered at my district level as well as into some of the classroom opportunities I have offered my teachers.
I have also continued to participate in the Learning Focused cohort in our district which is looking at the process of planning authentic, rigorous lessons that meet the needs of our students. I utilize the information from that session in my coaching sessions daily as well as in teaching opportunities I have had with groups of students.
Lastly, the fall Kenan Institute was amazing. The Share Fair that we participated has translated into student opportunities that I would never have dreamed would be possible for my students from the rural district that I serve. I have networked and made amazing professional contacts that will most certainly translate into significant student outcomes. These opportunities continue to drive me to strive for excellence and are propelling my professional growth.
Professional Learning