Wow!!! What an experience! I thoroughly enjoyed my time at KFP Institute! A week of meeting new friends and learning new things that are relevant to me and that REALLY work. It was nice to work alongside others who have a similar passion for truly making a difference in the lives of their students. I was able to meet others who really take their careers to heart and strive to give their students the very best that they have. These same people also thought it not robbery to share their knowledge and experiences to help teachers searching for their own specific needs.
My plan going forward is to take my brand that I created for myself and to live by each and every word. I created a brand that was meaningful to myself…CONSIDERATE, FUN, LOVING, FACILITATOR…I want to live these words and show others without speaking it.
Compared to other professional development I have attended, this week has been phenomenal! Our sessions were engaging and fun. I was able to choose sessions that were tailored to my personal needs, instead of meaningless lectures. I have so much information that I am eager to take back to my school and use in my classroom. I have learned of so many new tools that will make some things much easier for me and more exciting. This has truly been a great experience. I feel lucky to have had the opportunity.