The Best of NCCAT

When I came into this week I had a couple of key objectives, which was a little silly. Education is split into a couple of different skill sets. There are tangible aspects: school supplies, lesson plans, new digital tools, and activities that teachers can implement in the classroom. Kenan’s partnership supplied me with some of these added tools; app smashing, makeymakey skills, goose chase, learning how to kicknet, and the potential of Twitter as a teacher tool.

The more intense and meaningful parts were networking aspects of this week. Meeting teachers from the mountains to the coast, discussing inequities in schools, working together to brainstorm highly engaging learning opportunities for our kids. Even more than this carrier focused features, were the spirit building aspects of this week. Many teachers are overstressed and under-supported yet remain highly motivated and overworked. A week with amazing teachers make the weight of education feel less over bearing. Hours of growth mindest reflection in groups of highly capable teachers rebuild the confidence and joy that at times gets eroded away during the periods of the school year.

Great Expectations. Kenan Fellows NCCAT Style.

Hello All,

It has begun. It ends up that I started this project a little late. I am updating my expectations after starting the first day’s sessions.

I have come into this experience with an open mind and an open heart. While pulling into the parking lot, I didn’t have a focus on one specific outcome. Now that I have interacted in a session and been posed the task of reflecting on specific goals, I would have to say that there are a few different outcomes that would be nice.

  1. Learning more about the goals of the Kenan Program and how my goals as a professional educator match them.
  2. Networking with other teacher leaders so my strengths can be amplified.
  3. Adding to my educational toolbox.

Here is to a wonderful week!