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Week 3 At Keihin


Wow!  I have learned so much during my time at Keihin.  I have literally been in every department in the building.  This week I visited with Quality, Production, and Engineering from multiple areas.  Each one of these departments have very important jobs to do. I even got a visit from Mark!

The Quality department has to make sure everything that ships from the building is correct and safe.  Production has to make sure the parts are created with in a specified time  and that all safety tests have been passed.  The engineers are so important.  They have to make all of the programming is correct and that each piece of the line is up and running correctly.

The cool thing about being at Keihin was being able to see how STEM plays a part in each and every department.  Communication, collaboration, and problem solving are so important.  Nothing would get done without having these criteria.  Industry doesn’t seem to be very different from education.

Week 2 at Keihin


This week I spent time with the Plant Operations, Accounting, Spec Control, Safety, Facility Maintenance, Sustainability, IT,  and the New Model Planning departments.  Each of these departments have several commonalities.  They all require problem solving, communication, use of Excel & PowerPoint, and basic math.  Although it is important to know how to use these components, it is also important to know when to use them.



This has truly been a great experience to observe and talk with people that work in so many different areas.  One great experience has been to walk the same “line” with different people and to have the opportunity to learn something different every time.

Week 1 at Keihin (KCST)

My first week at Keihin was awesome!  The Keihin team has definitely made me feel like part of the team.  Day 1 started with Human Resources and Safety orientation.  Next, I enjoyed a plant tour by one of the Senior Managers.  After lunch, I had the pleasure of attending a Manager’s meeting, where I was introduced to all of the Keihin plant mangers and guess what?!  There had been a meeting held just to plan for my three week visit.  Wow!  They really know how to make you feel special!

Day 2 was just as great.  I spent time with the Production Control department first where I learned how orders are filled.  EXCEL is so important and it’s very important that each person on the team communicates with one another.  After lunch I visited the benefits component of Human Resources.  There I learned about the great opportunities offered to Keihin employees and what it takes to be a great team member.

Day 3 consisted of working with the Materials department, which includes Buyers, Inventory Control, Receiving, and the Shipping departments.  I learned how the materials are purchased, received, inventoried, and shipped out once they are assembled.  What a process!

Day 4 was “Training Day”.  I was trained along with six new hires. I was able to go through the same orientation process as everyone that gets hired at Keihin.   I was able to get a close look at some of the circuit boards the company makes, while learning how to acquire documents as an associate. After a great day of hands-on learning, I received a certificate for completing Keihin New Hire Orientation! 


Day 5 started with a Production Meeting to prepare for the July 4th shutdown.  Who knew there was so much to do!  On this day I worked with the busiest team in the building, the Production Team.  I learned how EXCEL is used to plan which product will run and how many units will be created.  Let me tell you, you really have to know what you are doing!  It’s important to know what needs to run  and when.


After week one, it is absolutely evident that STEM is definitely involved in all aspect of what I learned during the week.  What’s the science in it, you might ask.  Well, someone had to figure out how to create tiles that resist static right?  Yep, that’s right.  Technology is EVERYWHERE!  Each “line” has at least one computer, some more, that give the machine operators explicit instructions on which boards need to be ran and the quantity.  Lets not forget about the engineering.  Someone has to figure out the most efficient way to set up a “line” in order to get the quickest end product.  I saw EXCEL used in every in every single department I visited in one capacity or another.  Math, even if it’s basic, is a must.  Whether it’s setting up formulas within EXCEL or adding and subtracting, it’s definitely a must. STEM is most definitely involved in everything these associates do and problem solving is a must!  I am enjoying my time at Keihin and I am looking forward to learning more and making more connections in order to prepare my students for jobs and careers that have not even been invented yet. 

The Beginning of My Kenan Fellow Journey

The highlight of my week at the Kenan Fellows PD in Cullowhee was making new friends.  I will be friends with these people for life! Not only are we friends in general, we are friends in education.  

It has been great to be surrounded by so many educators that are so passionate about what they do.  Sharing meals and being able to talk about classroom experiences has been awesome!

I also really enjoyed participating in the activities such as the PVC pipe with “helium” in it and the makerspace activities.  The EdTech was especially helpful in sharing ideas and resources that other educators are using effectively in their classroom.   I’m looking forward to learning and sharing more!