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Ecology of the Savanna-Forest Boundaries in Central Brazil

Lesson 2: Graphing and analyzing biome data

Introduction /Theme:

A biome is a distinct geographical region that is defined by the dominant plant life and climate. In this lesson, students will learn about the specific biomes in Brazil. Students will make a graph using meteorological data from Raleigh, North Carolina, Las Vegas, Nevada, and Brasilia, Brazil and compare the three biomes by designing a Venn diagram.

Learning outcomes:

The student will convert Fahrenheit to Celsius using Microsoft Excel. The student will make like graphs to compare the temperature and rainfall between Raleigh, North Carolina, Las Vegas, Nevada, and Brasilia Brazil using Microsoft Excel. The student will demonstrate how to interpret the graph by making a venn diagram comparing the three locations.

Curriculum alignment:

6th grade

  • 1.06 Use mathematics to gather, organize, and present quantitative data resulting from scientific investigations: measurement, analysis of data, graphing, prediction models.
  • 1.09 Use technologies and information systems to: research, gather and analyze data, visualize data, disseminate findings to others. (if optional technology is used during this lesson)
  • 7.02 Investigate factors that determine the growth and survival of organisms including: light, temperature range, mineral availability, soil/rock type, water, energy

Classroom time required:

2 class periods double block or 4 regular class periods

Materials needed:

  • Brazil biomes worksheet (see attachment)
  • Data representing rainfall and temperature monthly averages for Raleigh, North Carolina, Las Vegas, Nevada, and Brasilia, Brazil. (see data attachment)
  • Classifying Biomes chart from previous lesson (recommended)
  • Computer access with Microsoft Excel (for graphing) and Microsoft Word (for venn diagram)

Technology resources:

Computer access with Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Word


Completion of Classifying Biomes chart to be used as resource


Warm-up activity - Biomes of Brazil activity. Students will outline the biomes within Brazil and include characteristics of each. (See attachment for biomes activity)

Graphing Activity - Depending on technology availability, students my work independently or in pairs. (See attachment for graphing activity)

Venn Diagram - Students design a venn diagram using Microsoft Word to show similarities and differences between the three biomes based on the graph. This will allow students to demonstrate how well they interpret the graph and make conclusions.







Warm-up:  Brazil Biomes

Outlined Biomes

Outlined biomes with climate characteristics

Outlined biomes with climate characteristics and dominant plant life

Outlined biomes with climate, dominant plant life, and descriptive words

Graphing Activity

Input of data only

Input of data, converts fahrenheit to celsius

Graph without proper labels (title, axis, scale, etc)

Graph comparing 3 biomes with proper labels

Venn Diagram

1 similarity and 1 difference for each biome

1 similarity and 1 difference supported by the Classifying Biomes Chart

Similarities and differences supported by evidence from graph

Completed venn diagram, with additional conclusions added

Critical vocabulary:

X-axis, Y-axis, Fahrenheit, celsius, data, average, biome, venn diagram, interpretation, comparison

Supplemental Files: