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Ecology of the Savanna-Forest Boundaries in Central Brazil

Lesson 3: Adaptations


Adaptations are characteristics that allow plants and animals to successfully survive in their environment. This activity will give students the opportunity to identify plant adaptations in their local community and compare those to adaptations found in other biomes.

Learning outcomes:

The student will define and identify adaptations.

The student will identify environmental stressors put on plants in different biomes. The students will make observations of local plants and identify the adaptations that allow the plants to survive in the environment. The students will explain how specific adaptations allow a plant to survive in its environment.

Curriculum alignment:

6th grade

  • 4.05 Evaluate designed systems for ability to enable growth of certain plants and animals.
  • 7.02 Investigate factors that determine the growth and survival of organisms including: light, temperature range, mineral availability, soil/rock type, water, energy

Classroom time required:

One class period

Materials needed:

  • Classifying Biomes chart from Lesson 1 (recommended)
  • Digital cameras
  • Computer access with SD card readers (or a connecting cord) and Microsoft Word (to input digital images)
  • Colored Pencils (if technology is not available)

Technology resources:

Digital cameras and computer access with Microsoft Word


Completion of Classifying Biomes chart to be used as resource


Warm-up activity - Surviving in Biomes around the world (see attachment)

Adaptations of Local Plants - Digital cameras and computer access needed. Students will travel around the campus of the school to identify and describe adaptations of local plants. If technology is not available, students may draw the adaptations instead of taking a picture with a digital camera.

Students will identify possible adaptations.







Activity Reflection for understanding

Adaptation is defined

Adaptation is defined. Examples are provided of plant adaptations.

Adaptation is defined. Examples are provided of plant adaptations that directly relate to local plants and the climate.

Adaptation is defined. Examples are provided of plant adaptations that directly relate to local plants and the climate. Explanation is provided for why adaptations would vary depending on the biome.

Supplemental Files: