How my Kenan experience will influence my teaching

My experience with the Kenan Fellowship has taught me so much in so many different areas.  By working with DPI I’ve learned tons about the form and functions of this entity that was previously a mystery to me.  Through our PD institutes I’ve learned so much about what it means to be a teacher leader, ways to use new technology, and how to leverage my Kenan experience in the future.  From the work I’ve done on my project, Making Math Count, and my relationships with my fellow fellows and my mentor I’ve expanded my understanding of formative math experiences that are necessary in the early grades.  Already this year this knowledge has changed the way that I teach.  I’ve been able to more expertly supplement the curriculum that I am supposed to be teaching using what I learned from working on my fellowship project this summer.  I am helping my students to develop an understanding of numbers that will stick with them for a lifetime, rather than merely meeting second grade benchmarks.  While I have always worked to create a safe environment in the classroom where students feel comfortable taking risks and opening themselves up to challenges, I think that the way that I am approaching math now makes that type of environment easier to achieve.