Highlight of My Week at NCCAT

I suppose, just like everyone else, the highlight of the week at NCCAT would have to be the rafting experience.  But, mine would be for a different reason. img_0375Yes, it was tons of fun. But, it was so very much more to me. White water rafting made me personally push my limits.  I have never been a person to take physical risks.  I very often take risks academically, business-wise, financially, friendship-wise, etc.  But, I have always, always drawn the line when the risk was physical.  Another issue is, I am not comfortable leaning on others. I pretty much work alone, and in my own way.  I feel I am more productive that way.

Rafting, I had to rely on virtual strangers, and my life depended on it, in some respects. We had to pull together, and work as one, as we maneuvered the river. We had to “lean on each other.” I came away with such a sense of accomplishment, as well as commaraderie…..

1 thought on “Highlight of My Week at NCCAT

  1. asolano

    Love the rafting picture as your blog background that is a nice touch. And it’s great to hear you enjoyed your time at NCCAT and took on a new experience.


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