Using Lenovo Technology

I must admit that I’m a big advocate for iPads in the classroom, but as a teacher the Lenovo was excellent. Lately I have been making parent instructional videos so my students can have a better understanding of the Common Core and how I am teaching their children. It also assists us in having the same vocabulary and directions at home and school. I love that I can manipulate the programs as a tablet and as a laptop, it is compact, and the battery life was good.

I love that a company believes enough in the teachers of North Carolina that they would provide us with a new technology to use, explore, and share with others. With that being said I have used it more for my own professional use versus student use since Apple dominates the market with educational apps that are geared towards my grade level and I have received 6 iPads for classroom use. However, I think the gap in the market with reduce in the near future and this would be a great option for teachers and students. I’m curious if they would be sufficient for EOG testing????