Lenovo Technology

I hate that I didn’t read the prompt before tonight… or I would be prepared with pictures!! I used the Lenovo tablet constantly this summer when working at DPI every day. It was great to grab it to take to all of our meetings with various people working in testing, accountability, and curriculum. I used Evernote to take minutes of each meeting, which was great to easily access on my other devices or send to one of my fellow DPI fellows if they couldn’t attend the meeting. I used it in desktop mode as I was creating my initial project ideas. I also used it constantly to communicate with my mentor and other DPI fellows.

I really haven’t used the tablet at school yet. Every time I meet with Kari and Sue to work on our project, I’m reminded that I could be using it daily in my classroom. I think I was afraid at first that because it’s small, it could walk out of the room easily before I knew it was missing. However, I do think it would be a great tool to use with students. I may try to use it in the next few weeks to collect data about my students as I prepare for my end of year evaluation meeting with administrators (like what was suggested during the Data Literacy presentation at the July professional development).