Lenovo Technology

I hate that I didn’t read the prompt before tonight… or I would be prepared with pictures!! I used the Lenovo tablet constantly this summer when working at DPI every day. It was great to grab it to take to…

Lesson Implementation…

As a DPI fellow, the project I created are based on teacher professional development and bringing teacher feedback back to DPI. My initial ideas were to create a session on how to write constructed response questions and implement them into…

Something Learned

As I began the new teaching year, I’m struck by how many things I learned during my fellowship. I knew I would learn a lot during my externship that would impact my teaching, but I had no idea how many…

Impact on my students

As my fellowship comes to a close, I know that my externship will impact the learning and teaching of my students. I have learned so much about the assessment process while working at DPI. I’ve  begun to create a training…

Biggest A-ha Moment

DPI has always been this far away entity that made decisions, and those decisions didn’t always make our lives as teachers easier. I always knew that they weren’t the only ones making decisions (hello NCGA), but their implementation of decisions…

CCSS, NC ES, & Tech

Over the past year, North Carolina educators have transitioned from using the NC standard course of study to using the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and NC Essential Standards (NC ES) to guide their instruction. Many people were very nervous about…