One Giant Leap

40 years ago last week, Neil Armstrong stepped on the moon.

The computer system that guided Armstrong, Aldrin, and Collins on their iconic flight was less powerful than a USB thumb drive.

This story has been running through my head over the past week as I have been musing the question about implementing the Common Core, NC Essentials, and digital learning tools. On one hand, I do think that the standards will have more administrators paying attention to whether or not teachers are using digital learning tools. On the other hand, I also think that, without a clear understanding of what “implementation” can mean, we will end up with more stories like the one Christina Lowman shared, wherein “ELMO on” is interpreted as “digital learning.”

As educators, it is incumbent upon us to talk about what “implementing digital learning tools” means, and to remember that it isn’t the technology but the tool-user that is our moonshot. In what ways are we helping students use digital learning tools so that they make take their own giant leaps?