The “Un”common Core?

Photo Fun:       Dr.Atkinsonpicture1

Had the pleasure of meeting our State Superintendent, June Atkinson! The Fellows at yesterday’s DPI Summer Institute got to see her in action listening to and encouraging teachers. We also had lunch with her as she specifically wanted to hear about the Kenan Fellowships taking place this year and was highly interested in/supportive of all of our projects!  

This week’s prompt asks us to think on the Common Core/NC Essential Standards and whether they help or impede the integration of technology in classrooms.  Quite the timing of this prompt, considering the CC itself seems up in the air with yesterday’s press release from our Lieutenant Governor:

The ASCD Smartbrief is a collection of educational news highlights from across the country.  I highly recommend signing up for it, as it is a non-intrusive daily or weekly email ( that keeps you updated on the educational climate.  This article was highlighted in the Smartbrief:

If states that are leading our Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium are “pausing” their implementation and assessing of the Common Core, does that mean we really have a Common Core?  I think it’s safe to assume that the 2014-15  SBAC assessments are null and void if those states leading the development are not adopting the standards.  And if the letter from our Lieutenant Governor is any indicator of what may happen next in North Carolina, then we may also want to prepare for a “pause.”  Who knows what standards we would align to then? Maybe back to even MORE basics?  Include caligraphy with the cursive?

7 thoughts on “The “Un”common Core?

  1. mharvey

    Very cool that you met June Atkinson. It always feels good to get support and encouragement from “up high.” A lot of interesting press on common core and all of a sudden, I feel like we’re flying the plane as we’re building it. As with so many educational programs, could it be that this too was pushed out too soon? Only time will tell!

  2. asolano

    What a great picture and very cool that you got to meet June Atkinson. Also super cool that was interested in your work with the program. Keep up the great work!

  3. Donna Podgorny

    Hello Katie!
    Nice photo op! How exciting to meet our state leader in person AND to get her photo. I have realized that I just worked with my mentor for two days at the Summer Institute and did not get a photo with her. So glad someone was on their toes and captured the moment?

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