Trying to squeeze all the juice I can from technology

My biggest challenge when it comes to technology…that is simple: 

The lack of technology!

I love using different creative programs in my classroom but right from the start the issues begin.  First off, I never have enough computers.  The laptop carts hold 25-30 laptops but they never all work and rarely is my class size that limited.  On average I am short 3 or 4 working computers for each assignment.

  After assigning computers I face the next hurdle.  They take 10 minutes or so to turn on.  I have learned to deal with that by having the computers turned on before I even give the assignment but then (as I have learned the hard way,) I run the risk of having students knock them off the tiny desks as they try to learn what is expected.


When we finally get all of the computers going the next trial occurs.  Rarely do all of the computers keep working for the entire time period.  Several drop the internet connection, some restart with no warning, some just do crazy things.  It is a nightmare and often the students and I stress more than it is worth to get an assignment done.


Even when it’s not the laptop carts technology is a struggle for my class.  My Smartboard was damaged years ago by a company installing a drop ceiling and so when I try to make it write the line jumps around the screen, my attached laptop is so slow I have to have it on and all programs pulled up 20 minutes before I want to use it, and it isn’t able to maintain an internet connection.  It deletes data from my clickers, tells me I have the wrong power cable (even though it came with it,) and it won’t pull up many of the cool technologies.  For example, I tried a glogster project with my AP students and finally had to give up.  It gets even more fun for me because none of my computers have the same software versions.  Students create presentations and when they go to show them on my laptop half of the writing doesn’t pull up and we have to pause while they change their font.

Overall I would say technology, or the lack there of, is probably one of my biggest challenges each day.  I can’t complain though.  I remember my first class had an overhead projector with bare wires showing and an old Apple IIe computer that would play “Where in the US is Carmen Sandiego?” and would do nothing else.  Compared to those days I am the Bill Gates of technology even with all these set backs.Apple 2 e

How many of you remember this computer?

4 thoughts on “Trying to squeeze all the juice I can from technology

  1. eturner

    I’m in a similar pickle about technology. We’ve been promised an improvement this fall. I remain cautiously optimistic.

    I remember the Apple IIe! Don’t you think that people will have internet connections implanted directly into their brains in the not-so-distant future?

    1. mmarcin Post author

      The sad thing is, I don’t know if that would be good or bad. I love using technology but I’m amazed all the ways it can be used against us. At least in the old apple iie days I only had to WATCH for bullying, cheating, and other problems. Now no matter how hard you look you can’t catch even half the problems.

  2. jspivey

    I feel your pain. I have similar issues with technology. There just isn’t enough to go around and when there is there aren’t enough wireless spots for all the students. It’s a constant battle.

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