Monthly Archives: August 2013

Let’s Get Learning Y’all!

Something I’ve learned…that’s easy…there’s always something to learn.  Just when I think my tool box for teaching is as full as it can possibly be I have learned so many new and wonderful things to share with my teachers!  Strategies, technology resources, contacts…it just keeps coming.  Just this week I was reading an article on Close Reading and found a new way to plan and organize it in the classroom.

One of the things we sometimes lose as teachers, administrators, etc. is the desire to learn new things. It becomes…”Oh no.  One more thing.”  When it should be “Oh yeah.  I’ve learned one more thing!”  We give lip service to being “life long learners” but then life happens and we don’t have time to learn more.  The truth is that everything I’ve learned thus far has refueled my desire to learn even more!  I am excited when teachers get up to share!  I’m looking for ways we can share virtually through Twitter and other social media!  I’m sharing even more than I have in years and I’m starting to see others feel the need to share as well.  The fire is reignited!  Just check out my new blog for Beginning Teachers!

Let’s get learning Y’all!

Beyond the Students

I find this blog topic interesting since for me the term “students” has different meanings.  As a curriculum coach my “students” are usually teachers.  This experience is going to be so valuable as I often am called on to present or share information with teachers regarding curriculum and all sorts of things in our district.  I love working with teachers and just like my 10 years in the classroom I find great joy in being able to hone my skills to serve them better.

Through the process of creating a unit focusing on the three shifts of ELA I am finding that even as a veteran teacher who feels like they understand the new standards I am having to struggle through the process of truly applying them.  This is giving me the opportunity to expand my tool belt, building a deeper understanding of the new standards, and get re-energized about teaching!

While I could present on the shifts and the new standards till the cows come home…those presentations take on a different feel when I’ve had that productive struggle of applying them in a real classroom situation.