Collaboration is Key

Because my Fellowship was with DPI and not an entity outside of public education such as a business my partnership was quite different. However, I’m sure in some ways it was the same.

I benefited from the expertise and resources of my mentor. As someone who has been out of the classroom for a while it was so helpful to have the viewpoint of a curriculum expert. With the demands of Common Core changing the way we do business it was helpful to have the point of view of someone else. I had my own perception of what the shifts were, but it is always helpful to compare that to someone else’s and see where you were right and where you need to adjust your thinking.

I also benefited from the feedback of my mentor. Was it always what I wanted to hear? No. But was it helpful in helping me grow and challenge what I thought? YES! We can all benefit from constructive criticism when it is truly constructive!

And finally it did lead to growth. I was challenged, coached, and sometimes led to frustration…but in the end I am a better educator than I was before. I have a deeper understanding of the content and I am more prepared to share it with others!

2 thoughts on “Collaboration is Key

  1. asolano

    So great to hear this was a rewarding experience. You are correct that in many ways your mentor experience is similar to those who paired with industry experts. We hope as you state that the mentors will “challenge and coach” our Fellows and that they come out as better teachers in the end.

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