Extracting DNA, Duplicating DNA, and Face Mites

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Today we started the day learning the specifics on how to use the PCR (polymerase chain reaction) machine to duplicate DNA.  Then we got to extract the DNA from soil we collected around downtown Raleigh. All 3 of us on Team Dirt had an extremely successful first try at DNA extraction! We were shown how to use a cool machine called the nanodrop to test the concentration of extracted nucleic acids, and we all got good levels of concentration! Then we went on to prep the PCR  mixture and put it in the PCR machine before we left for the night.

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Laura working on her DNA extraction.

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Dr. Stevens drops our extracted DNA onto the NanoDrop machine.

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Sterilizing our equipment with UV rays.

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Using the Crosslink UV sterilizer.

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Putting our extracted DNA into the PCR mixture.

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Into the PCR Machine we go!

As I was about to leave the museum for the night I noticed that Team Face Mite was still working in their lab, so I went in to see what science they were up to.  They were scraping Kenan Fellows for mites, and doing super glue extractions of mites. So I jumped on in and had them check my face for mites, and WOW! I had mites! They found an adult and juvenile together and a few other mites just in a small 1 inch square sample on my face. It was amazing to see these little creatures that live on my face under the microscope!

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Meribeth on Team Face Mites removing them from my face!


One of my face mites!