I Finally Found The Missing Piece of My Kenan Fellowship!

medical_supplies_latamLast week I officially started my externship at the Southern Regional Area Health Education Center or SR-AHEC, I thought my mentor did a great job in explaining about AHEC. She also showed me the different organizations inside AHEC and how AHEC will impact our daily lives.

But I felt overwhelmed. I thought I was missing something.

As the Professional Advancement Institute here at NCCAT officially started, I finally found the missing piece of my Kenan Fellowship. Thank you very much for the great opportunity, the new learning and for showcasing the amazing rock stars in the teaching profession. This  is fun! you all did an EXCELLENT job in showing the missing piece of my fellowship!

I really hope that my Kenan Fellows Journey will not end. I will start my KENAN journey with my students. I planned to show my students a “real” real-world STEM and beyond.  I will also continue my journey beyond my classroom. I will work with my colleagues in integrating real-world STEM in our curriculum across the different subject/grade levels in our school and hopefully in our county and in our state.