Let’s Talk About Writing KFP Curriculum


I had a great week with SR-AHEC Continuing Medical Education Department.  I had the chance to shadow a “Grand Rounds” at Cape Fear Valley Hospital headed by Dr. Fernando Gonzales from Duke University Hospital.  Dr. Gonzales presented a better treatment technology for patients with Cerebral Aneurysm to doctors, residents, Pharm doctors and nurses.

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Another Continuing Medical Education session that I attended this week was about Forensic Dentistry.  The CME session was headed by Dr. Richard Barbaro. I thought that it was a great experience to learn how forensic dentistry is important in a particular crime scene.

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With these great experiences with SR-AHEC,I find it very helpful in writing and developing a curriculum for 8th grade science. The lesson plan that I am currently developing will focus on health literacy, health care providers and health care consumers with real-world applications. I thought that my externship is a perfect match with my 8th grade science biology curriculum. I plan to teach this lesson during the second nine weeks (2nd Quarter).

Health Literacy and SR-AHEC

This has been an awesome week for my externship at the Southern Regional Area Health Education Center or SR-AHEC. Part of my externship was to shadow the AHEC’s Medical and Pharm D residents.

I had the chance to work with Dr.  Susan Miller who oversees the residents.  With Dr. Miller’s expertise, I had the opportunity to shadow real-world health providers in action inside Cape Fear Valley Hospital. It was so cool and so surreal for me, as a science teacher to sit with the residents during medical “rounds”. It was amazing how the residents work together in analyzing and diagnosing a particular disease or health condition during “rounds”.

This externship provided an excellent idea for me to integrate health literacy in the 8th grade science curriculum. Specifically, this fits the curriculum on analyzing data to determine trends and to determine how infectious disease may spread. I will use this real-world experience to teach and differentiate the curriculum about infectious diseases. I will challenge my students to think like health providers -doctors, nurses and pharm doctors or health consumers- patients. Students will learn about health literacy and apply what they learn about health literacy by becoming an  advocate for health literacy in their community.

Can’t wait for next week…

Me and My Mentor


This is when my mentor Karen Mantzouris and I were planning together in developing educational and marketing strategies for the Area Health Career Education Center or AHEC’s health careers and work force diversity program. This program works to improve the supply and distribution of health career workforce and to increase minority representation in the health profession in North Carolina.

Technology in the Classroom – Learning Innovations

studtechI consider technology as a tool to engage students on a creative level. My students use tablets and software applications in creating project-based learning science activities. Quite frankly, these activities helped my students become more critical thinkers.

On the other hand, The use of technology in the classroom creates a lot of challenge to students and teachers. One of the biggest challenge is to teach students on how to become responsible technology innovators in the classroom. It is a difficult challenge for a teacher to teach students about taking extra care on how to use and apply technology as a tool for learning.

Honestly, I spend more time re-teaching, monitoring and advising students to use and apply technology for the purpose of learning only. With this, I do consider it as a recurring challenge every time I integrate the use of technology in the classroom.

Highlights of my Kenan Journey at NCCAT!

photoMy week at NCCAT was amazing!

I love the friendship that I gained. It was great to know the different fellows around NC sharing the same passion about teaching.

I truly appreciate the remarkable Kenan Fellows Staff. You all made every part of the PD so perfect and so special.

The concurrent sessions was a great strategy. One of the sessions that I was fascinated with was the Augmented Reality.  I got so fascinated (addicted) to AR that I already made several auras for my curriculum next year.  I also like the session about Engineering in the Classroom. I like the idea of utilizing engineering activities in a fun way into the classroom.

photo (1)Special thanks to the NCCAT Staff for the finest food and ambiance. Thank you for providing the opportunity for me to connect with nature with NCCAT’s panoramic trails. Special shout out to Jonathan for going out of his way in taking the “Adventurous Group” to the Judaculla Rock, the Micah Mining and the Top View of Cullowhee. That was totally awesome!

photo 5 (2)Lastly, the white water rafting  activity was a great way to learn and appreciate about the water resources in NC, especially the majestic Nantahalla River. It was also a great avenue for experiential learning.  I learned so much about the Nantahalla River that I can genuinely “show and tell” my students about the river. The rafting adventure was fun! I never thought we all can make it back in one piece. LOL! It was a great strategy for team building and working together as a team.

Thank you NCCAT for being a part of my Kenan Journey!



I Finally Found The Missing Piece of My Kenan Fellowship!

medical_supplies_latamLast week I officially started my externship at the Southern Regional Area Health Education Center or SR-AHEC, I thought my mentor did a great job in explaining about AHEC. She also showed me the different organizations inside AHEC and how AHEC will impact our daily lives.

But I felt overwhelmed. I thought I was missing something.

As the Professional Advancement Institute here at NCCAT officially started, I finally found the missing piece of my Kenan Fellowship. Thank you very much for the great opportunity, the new learning and for showcasing the amazing rock stars in the teaching profession. This  is fun! you all did an EXCELLENT job in showing the missing piece of my fellowship!

I really hope that my Kenan Fellows Journey will not end. I will start my KENAN journey with my students. I planned to show my students a “real” real-world STEM and beyond.  I will also continue my journey beyond my classroom. I will work with my colleagues in integrating real-world STEM in our curriculum across the different subject/grade levels in our school and hopefully in our county and in our state.

An Exciting Adventure


I am so excited to be a part of the Kenan Fellows Program this year. I will be learning real-world healthcare innovations at the Southern Regional Area Health Education Center.

My unforgettable adventure is yet to come…Let the Kenan adventure begin!