Tag Archives: laptop carts

Houston, We Have a Problem

Technology challenges blog post, here I am.

To be honest, I’m not completely sure what I’m supposed to write about here specifically, because I feel like “technology challenges” is kind of a broad term, so I’m just gonna wing it (the flight puns are inescapable, y’all).

When we were at NCCAT, there was this rush of information crashing over me — all these new technology tools, all these great ways to apply them in my classroom. Technology is something really important to me as a teacher in my classroom, and it was actually part of my PDP last year. I love collaborating with our school’s Technology Specialist (he’s actually the BEST – here’s a shout out to Hal even though he’ll never see it!), and I see high levels of student engagement when we use technology in our classroom.

My first year teaching, I used a class Twitter account and blog regularly. It was really easy for me to tell a kid during our two hour reading block to go update the blog with what we’re doing today, and it was super easy at the end of the day to have a couple kids hop on a desktop where the Twitter account was already logged in so they can type a little blurb of what they loved learning that day.

I wanted to do this again in my classroom this past year, and unfortunately it didn’t happen. My classroom doesn’t have any desktop computers in it, so my convenient “Hey [insert kid’s name here], go blog/tweet!” didn’t really apply anymore. Despite this, our grade level DOES have a laptop cart available for all the teachers to share on a daily basis. My new plan is maybe to have a laptop station set up every day with at least one laptop where I can have kids take turns using the laptops for blogging and tweeting. I love Twitter, but I also really love Twiducate, which I heard about at NCCAT. I like that it’s a safe medium for us to use  (not that Twitter is unsafe, but sometimes things can pop up that you might not want the little babies to see).

Another problem I think I have with technology is that I want to try ALL OF IT AT THE SAME TIME. I get so excited about trying all these technology tools, but at times I get caught amidst other things that require immediate attention, like making copies and getting back to school packets together and making sure all my caddies have coloring supplies in them for Meet the Teacher Night. Then, when reality comes up, I don’t always follow through with my initial sparks of technological use. I need to pick a few things, do them well, follow through, and then assess at the end of the year. It’s okay to not try it all at once, regardless of how zealous I am.

I also have all these grand ideas for using technology more during my literacy instruction. In case you aren’t sure, I teach third grade reading and project blocks in English at my bilingual school. I have very little issue integrating technology in my project blocks, but I want to use it even more during reading workshop (the blogging/tweeting will help with this to an extent, I think). I want my kids recording their voices on iPads more consistently, I want them engaging with informational texts online, and I want them to do some mini-projects online as well. To me, this is part of being a 21st Century learner — not just being able to use a computer, but being independent enough to further knowledge of concepts. I know this is attainable, and I also know that this will take more planning on my part to make sure things are set up and ready with tight rotations every day, but I know it’s worth it. It’s worth kids loving reading, it’s worth kids wanting to come to school every day, and it’s worth watching my kids be successful in their academic endeavors.

With this past school year under my belt, I realize how much faster I want to integrate technology in my classroom. I taught my third graders how to use Google Drive this year, and they were incredibly independent with it by the end. A fourth grade teacher at my school already came up to me before the year was over to thank me for teaching my kids how to use that online program, as it becomes exceedingly important as the kids get higher up in grade levels. I want to prep my kids earlier, so that I can let them be even more self-reliant throughout the year (because honestly, in case you couldn’t tell by now, that’s my main goal for these third graders — for them to become independent, lifelong learners who are passionate about growing knowledge in their brains).

Technology can be a challenge for many teachers to use, but it can also be a very powerful medium to reach every child in your classroom. Which will it be for you this year?