I think my biggest problem with writing my curriculum is one of audience. I am not quite sure who the audience for this lesson plan will be. Should I write it for myself using the equipment and technology I have available? Should I write it for a general audience and make assumptions that the audience has access to ideal equipment? Should I identify suppliers for chemicals and compounds?  Do I assume that the audience has the ability to adapt the lesson plan for their own set-up? These questions have been running through my mind constantly.

I have also been having some challenges with technology. For most of the day yesterday, I was unable to make or edit google drive documents. I spent most of the day emailing back and forth with my school’s tech facilitator only to find out that it was problem that was randomly cropping up for people all over the place and not something that happened in our county. That was very frustrating to deal with as my supplemental materials were on there and I was locked out of them.

I think my last issue has been with time lately. I have finished a draft for 1/4 of what I had planned to do. I am essentially making a 4 lab sequence for my AP Chem class. I have finished the first lab, which I feel is a good stopping point for the next institute. But since finishing it on Wednesday, I have been distracted with my tech problems, grant writing and exploring Google Classroom (It’s looking kinda awesome by the way!) and haven’t made any headway on the next lab in the sequence.


But I’m not going to stress too much about it. I have a product ready to present at the institute for feedback and I can use that feedback to write the other three lab plans much more easily. I was asked to stay on an extra week, so I feel like I will have plenty of time to get things in place before I have to go back to work.

Challenges w/ Curriculum
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