Successes and challenges- writing lessons

Throughout all our externship at the Nature Research Center I was thinking on how I would write lessons that would fit with how we teach at our school. We teach through integrated curriculum and project based themes. So I decided to create a whole Case Study, as we usually do at school, where students would be involved in citizen science. It was a big challenge to develop all the lessons for the study and figuring out what would be the best order for those lessons. I started thinking about the order a scientist would take in a research project, and that’s how I started developing the lessons, starting from research and background information, including the study of the site- the Aurora Phosphate mine. From then on, the students would be finding information about shark teeth, and finding them in the sediment, to later identify the teeth, and take measurements. After this, students would analyze their data and draw conclusions, to then publish results. I started getting excited about this whole process and started writing the lessons. The problem is that I came up with a total of 14 days to complete the whole case study, that means, fourteen lessons. I have started writing the lessons, and have done four so far, and now, I know I will be able to complete the lessons for the whole case study. I get so excited thinking on what my students will be doing  and finding when implementing these lessons.    
