Nanotechnology Background Unit Day 4 and 5: Surface to Volume Area Ratios

We looked at surface to Volume Area Ratios using both Nanolinks Surface to Volume Ratio and  Nanoscale Science by M Gail Jones et al, p. 95, Can King Kong Exist? These activities blended well together. It also reviews some of Grade 7 Math . We first made the cubes. The kids loved this activity and were able to understand the concepts. We viewed:

We then discussed horror movies and could King Kong exist? Why or why not? The class was divided into 2 groups and the students had to give their reasons. We then reviewed equations for surface area and volume of cube.  We practiced on white boards. We then cut out the cubes, found the surface and volume of each of the 5 cubes. We also measured the mass by filling the cubes with sugar. We then found the surface area to volume ration and surface area to mass ratio. This took one class.  We connected it to the video clip we saw too and adaptions of animals in various climates.

The next class we completed the Surface to Volume Ratio lab from Nanolinks. The students never saw a mortar and pestal and we interested in it’s uses. We looked at the power point from the lab:

We then completed the lab with Alka-Seltzer and timing how long it takes to dissolve in 3 cups, one whole tablet, one in pieces and one grinded up into a powder. The students we able to visualize well how surface area to volume ratio effected the rate of chemical reactions, chemical, electrical and biological interactions too, and how larger objects have a smaller surface area to volume ratio. We also discussed how properties are dependent on size and how this is important on the nanoscale. We then had a discussion why King Kong could not exist, why we could  not be 20 feet tall and viewed the video below:

We then went into a discussion about Dinosaurs and how they were so big, what were their size limits based on what we learned. We read together the article:


