At the end of the year…

I am now a little over halfway into my year as a Kenan Fellow. 2015 brought with it many incredible experiences and unique opportunities. Every year at Christmas, we sit around the tree, read Luke, Chapter 2, and exchange gifts. But, somewhere in there, usually right before the gift exchange, we reflect on the past year. Each member of the family gives a brief overview of the last twelve months, highlighting a few of the best memories and naming the challenges.

This year, sitting around the tree with the rest of my family, I was able to count my Kenan Fellowship as one the things I am most grateful for in 2015. I have gained new perspectives, grown my professional network, been inspired, collaborated with my team and mentor to write and revise curriculum, planned activities to get students get fired up about authentic science in a Social Studies/Language Arts class, learned how to stay aware and participate in education policy, and participated in well-planned, helpful, and interesting Professional Advancement. I am a better teacher and my students are better off because of my Kenan Fellowship. I am thankful to have this experience.


These are some of the awesome photos captured by the camera traps my students have placed in the woods by our middle school/high school! EMammal Kenan Fellows Program

Posted by Jordan Hohm on Friday, December 11, 2015