Internship with Hyster-Yale

This summer I will be working with Hyster-Yale in Greenville, NC for my Kenan Fellows internship.  Hyster-Yale is a manufacturing company for forklift parts and machines.  Most fellows have already begun their internships and I’ve enjoyed seeing their tweets, posts, and pictures so I cannot wait to begin my internship on July 18th!

I recently received my schedule from HY and it looks like I will get to see many different areas of the company.  For the first few days they have me on the manufacturing side so I will be able to see how the assembler works.  I will actually be on the line!  For the remainder of the three weeks I will be working with various types of engineers including design, manufacturing, and environmental engineers.  My main project that I will be working on will be with a manufacturing engineer.

Throughout my internship I hope to learn make various connections to my math classroom.  I’m not 100% sure what I will be doing yet, but I’m sure that I will be able to connect what I am doing to my math standards that I teach.  Some strands that come to mind are basic number sense, unit rate/constant of proportionality, and equations.  I’m super excited to show my students why math matters in the real world!  I also have many students who are striving to be engineers when they grow up so hopefully I will be able to provide them some insight into the career.