What if we just go back to the beginning…

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What if we just go back to the beginning…

As teachers we spend our days we spend our days grading papers, running errands, comforting tiny humans, and putting out a thousand small fires a day; yet for some reason we find ourselves constantly wanting to find ways to do our job better, as if we don’t have enough going on already.  But, some days we can’t give the 100% we want to, and that’s okay.  We aren’t just teachers, we’re humans.  We have a family, we have life, and we have things that matter to us outside of the four walls of our classroom.  Sometimes, we can’t give it all.  But does that mean we stop giving everything we can?  No.  We keep going.  And, when we don’t know what to do next, when can’t find a way to better way to run our classroom, what do we do?  Maybe, we should forget all the things that got us to where we are now, forget all the failures, all our success, and all the things holding us back from moving forward, and start remembering all the reasons we became a teacher in the first place.  What if, when we can’t give 100%, we just go back to the beginning…