Big Ideas for 2018-2019

My Kenan Fellow’s Summer Institute experience has inspired, rejuvenated, and re-energized me so that I can be the best version of myself. I have so many highlights that its hard to choose just one. One of the highlights was getting to know other Kenan Fellows by working in teams and enjoying meals together. Another highlight of the week was identifying my brand because I feel that my brand speaks to who I am as an educator, and the reason I teach. I am forever changed by the professional development I received, and the camaraderie I experienced at NCCAT. Other PDs do not compare with Kenan Fellows PDs for several reasons: NCCAT is a magical place where teachers lose themselves in learning, our mentors are incredibly knowledgeable, and our fellow Kenan Fellows are amazingly warm, encouraging, and collaborative. The following quote comes to mind as I reflect on the coming school year as a Kenan Fellow, “To whom much is given, from him much is expected (Luke 12:48).” The following goals will revolutionize my teaching practices and develop my leadership skills:

  1. Incorporate Digital Portfolios
  2. Become a member of the North Carolina Association of Educators ( and read scholarly journals to stay current in my profession)
  3. Offer/Conduct one Professional Development on Branding
  4. Incorporate play centers at the beginning and end of the day
  5. Market myself with my administration