When STEM Leads to the Rest: A Reflection on STEM as the Hub for Curriculum Integration

By Doug Price
Durham Public Schools



Within this journal article, I seek to promote K-12 educators to think consciously and cognitively of their subject areas on how STEM can be initiator of content-delivery. STEM is still fresh within the confines of the traditional K-12 education field, and many are seeking to understand its relation to the real world as well as other subject areas. Within this article, I seek to prove how STEM steeps itself throughout three other content areas often separated: Language Arts, Social Studies, and the Arts. If we as educators as to enhance and entice our students to think intrinsically and deeply about their learning, it is important that we search to understand how STEM can derive to and from these inherent content focal points.


STEM, K-12, Language Arts, Social Studies, the Arts, Interdisciplinary

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