Relationship of Teacher Leadership with Organizational, Professional, and Individual Outcomes: Proofs from Turkey
Metin Kaya & Kadir Kaplan
Medipol Üniversitesi & Bayburt Üniversitesi
This study analyzes the relationship between teacher leadership and organizational, professional, and individual outcomes. The analysis is of 44 studies conducted in Turkish or English languages between 2010 and 2022 from electronic databases. All the research was carried out in Turkey. The findings have been combined using the meta-analysis method. Findings show that the mean effect size between teacher leadership and organizational outcomes is high-level (ES=.53 LL=.46 UL=.59); the mean effect size between teacher leadership and professional outcomes is medium-level (ES=.42 LL=.36 UL=.47) the mean effect size between teacher leadership and individual outcomes is medium-level (ES=.48 LL=.36 UL=.58). On the other hand, it is found that the relationship between teacher leadership and organizational outcomes in education zones with lower socio-economic levels is higher than the other relationships.
Leadership, teacher leadership, meta-analysis
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