A Case Study Approach to STEM Supervision: A Collaborative Model for Teaching and Principal Preparation
Dr. Dennis Kubasko, Dr. Ginger Rhodes, Dr. William Sterrett
School principals are responsible for supervising STEM teachers, yet many principals did not teach in the STEM fields and have limited training in STEM content, process and practice. This presents a challenge for principals when they observe STEM classrooms and provide feedback to teachers. In this paper the authors describe a study about principals’ views of STEM classrooms and the observational feedback principals provide to those teachers. The results of the study suggest principals need a deeper understanding of reform minded STEM process and practice, and alternative approaches to providing teachers with observational feedback. Building on the results of the study, the authors present a collaborative model (Innovating Teaching and Learning Leadership (iTALL)) for preparing pre-service principals and pre-service STEM teachers and describes training in the STEM process and practice. Observational exercises are discussed and changes in observational protocols when conducting classroom walk-throughs are described.
Key Words: Instructional Leadership; Principal Education; Supervision; STEM Process and Practice
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