Knowledge, Monitoring, and Beliefs: A Comparative Analysis among Preservice Teachers from Three Different STEM-focused Programs

By Margareta Maria Thomson
and John L. Nietfeld
NC State University


In the current study, we investigated how preservice teachers (N = 242) from three different teacher-training programs with a STEM focus, namely the Elementary Education (ELM), Science Education, and Mathematics Education, compare with respect to science content knowledge, metacognitive monitoring, and their belief system. Findings revealed that the ELM preservice teachers reported higher levels of science reformed beliefs (e.g., constructivist instruction), but low science content knowledge and teaching efficacy beliefs. Alternatively, Science Education students exhibited the highest levels of content knowledge, accurate monitoring, and higher teaching efficacy beliefs. Implications for teacher education programs with a STEM training focus are discussed.


STEM, Preservice Teachers, Professional Training

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