Understanding the Influences that Contribute to African American Males Pursuing STEM Majors at Post-Secondary Institutions: A Review of Literature
By Shwanda Williams
NC State University
Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) is a growing discipline. STEM jobs are projected to grow exponentially within the next decade and future graduates are needed to fill those positions. Although STEM careers are in high demand, African American males are pursuing STEM majors, however, they have been found to pursue STEM majors at a much lower rate than their White and Asian/Pacific Islander peers. This literature review seeks to present research evidence that examines and explores the reasons why African American males pursue science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) majors at the post-secondary level. This review presents three dominant reasons why this demographic is persisting with the STEM discipline as well as recommendations to practitioners and researchers that may serve African American males by helping them in their pursuits.
STEM, post-secondary, enrollment, minorities
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