Utilizing Language-Generating Artificial Intelligence (LGAI) in Educational Planning: A Case Study
Amy Walter, North Carolina State University
The integration of Generative AI (GenAI) tools like ChatGPT in education, while promising, remains underexplored. This study investigates the use of language-generating AI (LGAI) within K-12 instructional planning through a case study of a middle school science teacher using the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) framework. Findings reveal that effective use of LGAI involves detailed contextual input, iterative dialogue, and selective adoption of AI-generated suggestions. The teacher’s engagement with LGAI not only enhanced lesson planning efficiency but also supported adaptive teaching methods and personalized learning experiences. This integration led to improved confidence and strategic decision-making in instructional planning. The study highlights the potential of LGAI to transform educational practices and underscores the importance of professional development to equip educators with the skills necessary to harness AI technologies effectively. These insights contribute to understanding how GenAI can augment instructional design, offering a framework for integrating technological innovations into pedagogy.
adaptive teaching, generative AI, instructional planning, professional development, TPACK
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Utilizing Language-Generating Artificial Intelligence (LGAI) in Educational Planning: A Case Study
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