Lesson 5: Forestry Management
Course: Environmental and Natural Resources I
Unit H: The Role of Forests in the Environment
Competency: EN 29.00 Demonstrate proper forest management techniques.
Objective: EN 29.03 Describe cutting and reproducing techniques used in the forest industry to improve forest quality.
Goals for the Lesson:
- Students will identify intermediate cuttings and harvest cuttings.
- Students will compare and contrast thinning, prescription burning, liberation, sanitation cuttings, salvage cutting, and tree removal.
- Students will describe shelterwood cutting and seed-tree cutting.
- Students will identify coppice cutting.
- Students will identify the advantages and disadvantages of clear cutting.
- Students will understand reproduction of a forest through natural seeding, direct seeding, cuttings, and seedlings.
- Students will reproduce a tree.
Classroom Time Required:
2, 90-minute class periods
Materials Need:
Setting: Classroom
- Forest Site Pictures
- Forest Management Presentation
- Lorax and Truax Debate
- Smokey the Bear
- Forest Management Proposal Sheet
- Forest Site Management Questions