The Chicken Chronicles: Volume 1 : Issue 1 “What was exciting about NCCAT?”

This was the best team building experience ever!
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What a wonderful Idea! We only lost one!


Listed above are picture from a couple of our team building sessions which were superb!  They stood out to me because all of them gave us an opportunity to get to know one another and to work together to accomplish a goal.  You can’t even imagine the reflections and conversations that sparked from these events.



So here it is, a true turning point in my life.  I had NEVER imagined me white water rafting but I did it! And I’m still here.  I will have to keep this in mind when I’m trying to encourage my student to try something new.

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Fish yells…” Tuck those ankles ladies, all forward!”


Learning in the field!




Okay I know that we were only suppose to discuss one but I had so many moments that I could stop with just one.  And to think I didn’t even include my wealth gained from the technology sessions!  From blogging to,   Kenan Talks to overcoming the fear of the lesson creation , all of these experiences allowed me to finally be challenged to learn something new.  Finally PD that I can truly benefit from and grow.  Let’s not forget that I will definitely uses the each one teach one when sharing this back at my school!

Wow is all that I can say?