What do I hope to gain from this Fellowship?

A lot of friends have asked me this question and I usually say something to the effect that it will be great professional development and I’ll be learning some new content for my classes.  But these past two days at NCCAT have given me so much more than professional development.  I’ve learned all about new apps, websites, teaching tools and some pretty cool “best practices” from all the amazing teachers here with me.  It’s been more about the culture of teaching and education than it has about our individual projects.

So, now I think I can say that this Kenan Fellowship at NC A&T University is going to teach me a lot more than what’s going on in the world of biofuel research.  I believe this experience is shoving me outside my comfort area.  I’m back in college as a freshman!  I’ve had to find the library, study like crazy and think about changing the big picture in my classroom.  It’s a bit scary and daunting right now, but I love to try new things and I am open to help and suggestions from other people.  After enough years of teaching, you can get comfortable if you’re not careful.

So, as I wave goodbye to the safety of my usual ways, I am so looking forward to trying out all the new ideas that are waiting for my classroom.  Anybody else want to come along for the ride?



1 thought on “What do I hope to gain from this Fellowship?

  1. Amy Powers

    I, too, am struggling to get out of my comfort zone. It is amazing that I feel so unsure after 23 years of experience. This week I was amazed and humbled by so many intelligent and creative people. I’m hoping to love up to their caliber! Tell Bill “hello” and that his babies miss him!

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