The best part of my NCCAT experience…

IMG_5136Now that’s an easy one. The best part of this week was being inspired by all the great ideas that came from discussions with other fellows or our facilitators. For example, Jason Lineberger gave me a great app to support augmented reality in my classes. I think I’d like to try it with chemistry for various pieces of lab equipment. Ben L and Ben V are both doing fellowships on alternative energies so I plan to be in touch with them throughout the year. I met them both at break and dinnertime. And, finally, my new friend Karen Martin introduced me to geocaching. I’m so excited to go back home and try it with my own children!

The cool thing about coming to a residential retreat like NCCAT is you find inspiration all over the place and throughout the day. I have some great new friends who will support me through this process. I also learned a lot about their teaching while we were on a hike, on the river, or even sitting around in the afternoons. Some of their best practices have been added to my “must try” list for next year! I must say that I thought I would work on my project this week, but the experience has really been more about getting to know all of my cohort and stirring the creative process in me, which will undoubtedly spill into my project!

So, thanks to everyone who helped me, taught me and laughed with me this week. As with each trip up here, I will have great memories of this trip to NCCAT!


My first trip down the river

1 thought on “The best part of my NCCAT experience…

  1. kboice

    I too have a long list of “must try” for next year. I received so many ideas that I think my entire teaching delivery will change. I also enjoyed the experience of meeting new teachers that share my vision. It really was an amazing experience…I am so looking forward to our next PD in July!

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