Monthly Archives: September 2014

Social Media

Oh my goodness!!! I have just spent 45 minutes resetting my password since the county cleared our computers and I am not sitting at the my personal one at this time. I am taking a Laser Course on Course Sites and with many of you I am working on “Seize the Data”. I have used Edmodo since the county allowed it and now everyone is so there is more to love. Facebook is still on going and now I am trying to use LinkdIn since it seems to be a more professional atmosphere. I am so social, I have to make time to talk to my friends. Really, it is great being able to keep in touch with everyone but sometimes I feel I am too clued in to some issues and not in others. I really do not like typing everything and am a verbal person. Did I mention, I Skype with my son to communicate with him at college. Now he tells me he wants to do Google Groups. Really!!! Just text or call and let me know you are OK. We can message just $$ when you want money. I saw a program on Nova this past weekend (for those of us who still watch TV) and they were talking about multitasking and how students are affected in the area of concentration and it is so short that it might only last from 5-10 minutes. Being older, I thought, if I ever have to be operated on, I hope it does not take more than 30 minutes or I will be out of luck. I joke but I see problems in the future relating to being tuned in 24/7. I also see advantages of solving problems (the DNA folding) on a mass scale and being able to do wonderful things around the world not just in a cocoon. I will continue to use social media but the passwords are getting to me. I now keep a book and have a password on my Lenovo pad that will open all of the social media and it makes it a little more painless. I am selective about what I say in the social media outlets since I am a teacher and I have seen many public persons get into trouble. I spend time with my students discussing the multitasking issue and being careful about social media and their responsibility as users. Take care and I’ll see you on this Blog, Facebook, Edmodo, the internet, Skype, etc.