Monthly Archives: April 2015

Learning, Writing and Reflection!

I hope to present my Kenan Lesson plan at the CTE State Conference to share it with other instructors.  I combined the lesson with a method of Engineering Journal writing I learned during a seminar on lasers.  It is pretty intense and encourages students to make observations step by step and document them.In many ways, my experience of writing the Kenan Lesson was much the same.  I made observations and tried to document the lesson step by step.  The first half of the “Assembly Required and the Design Process Too!” lesson has been very successful with 2 different age groups and my students are still working on the second half.  I spoke with the laser group about incorporating some of their information with a portion of my lesson and then submitting it to them.  I plan to work on this during the summer.  If I am able to accomplish this task it could be published nationally.  During the upcoming year, I will begin the re-certification process for National Board and I feel the Kenan Lesson Plan process has prepared me by honing my  writing and reflection skills.