From There to Here: Looking Back to the Beginning

Oh the growth!  When I applied to become a Kenan Fellow, I was stepping out of my box.  I often write that in letters of recommendation for my students going to college.  I did not realize how many new adventures and dynamic people I would actually encounter.  The growth is not just about the teaching, it is about you as an individual and professional.  The opportunities presented to the Kenan Fellow are too many to count, but one of the best is working with your Cohort and getting to know them.  When we had our last gathering, I was explaining to a mentor the cohort, when together, would spend about 10 minutes discussing family, friends, location and what subject is taught, and then boom–it was all about the work, technique and especially the students.  Such PASSION! Even though I have planned lessons, written curriculum and learned to reflect as a NBCT, I realize when looking at my first blog entries just how much more I have grown as a person, teacher, leader and mentor.  By the way, I was told yesterday that my mentee mentioned in the earlier post is growing too; she is expecting.