About #TeamJaws

#TeamJaws is a part of the 2015-2016 Kenan Fellows Program and Students Discover funded by the National Science Foundation among others. As a part of Students Discover, we will be working with Post Doctoral Dr. Bucky Gates and resident paleontologist Dr. Lindsay Zanno of the North Carolina Natural Science Museum. Under their guidance, we will be completing paleontology research focused on dinosaur eggs and shark teeth for three weeks, including a 4 day trip to the University of Florida to conduct research in their collection.

At the end of our three week externship, we will have created a community engagement plan, professional development plan, and lesson plans as a team to be implemented in our schools. To learn more about our externship, follow this blog, the blogs of #TeamJaws members Nate Bourne and Christopher Clark on the “resources” page, @SDteamjaws on twitter, or on our website (coming soon).

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