Empowerment and Inspiration

It is DAY 2 of our retreat at NCCAT in Cullowhee, NC.  I am thrilled to be surrounded with teachers of this caliber.  I’ve had refreshing conversation after refreshing conversation.

I believe that Kenan will elevate my teaching career by providing resources, connections, relationships, and experiences that would otherwise not be available to me.  I am excited to fall more into a role as a teacher-leader within my school and my district. I am excited to do a better job of empowering teachers around me to do things they want to do for their students.

Working with my mentor Stephanie will provide a level of expertise that my students and I (and hopefully other teachers in the building) will benefit from.  I’ll be able to tap into her knowledge base to bring that to my students.  Having more perspectives is ALWAYS better than having fewer. I think that is why this time at NCCAT has been so great. I’ve been surrounded by great perspectives–and many of them.  I will carry these ideas back to my school.

Here is to two more days here at NCCAT!