School Is In Session! What Have I Implemented?

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I have implemented infographics this year into my robotics classroom. Often times, people think there are no literacy skills are required to be successful in Automation & Robotics.  This is a false assumption. In order to be successful in Automation & Robotics, students must acquire and use various literacy skills. At the beginning of the course, students learn basic vocabulary, perform research about the everyday uses of robot and investigate engineering careers.

This year, students were instructed to visit the following website: and examine the possible engineering careers available.  Then, they used a Venn diagram to compare and contrast two careers that interested them the most.  After, completing the Venn Diagram, students then used Canva to develop their infographics.  Finally, students presented their infographics to the class.

Students comments ranged from “This is cool!” to “This is hard!”.  I enjoyed watching the students learn and grow throughout this process.  I also explained to the students that they can use their Canva accounts create infographics for other presentations they will have in their course classes.

Infographics 2