Challenges and successes experienced transferring my internship experience into educational resources.

One of the challenges I will face transferring my internship experience into educational resources in my classroom will be the resources I have available. I hope to attain funding to purchase a 3D printer for my classroom.  The 3D printer was used to create the housing for the Lily Pad and can be utilized by various other CTE courses.  I will also need to develop my coding skills if I want to create various levels of projects/ products. I have watched various tutorials and am becoming more comfortable coding. I have created a successful lesson plan that will challenge my students and hopefully stimulate great Ideas for projects/products.  The knowledge I’ve learned during my internship at the ASSIST center has been a success in it self.  I am more knowledgeable about 3D printing and developing  wearable  devices. I was very excited to learn about screen printing electrical circuits onto textiles.

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