The goal of my internship with the Advanced Self-Powered Systems of Integrated Sensors and Technologies Center at NC State is to use the engineering design process to develop new concepts in wearable devices that address a world health problem. Achieving this goal will require me to utilize 21st century skills, employ cross-curricular thinking, and adopt a cross-cultural approach. My first… Read more »
Wow! So last week you read how stoked being in the KF 2016 cohort makes me. After a week of hanging with this passionate group of awesome professionals I realize this honor ranks up there with winning a superball lottery!! Trust me, it requires great self-control not to tell you why each and everyone of these marvelous teachers rock! Down… Read more »
“I am a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more I have of It.” – Spuriously attributed to Thomas Jefferson Thomas Jefferson and I share the name Thomas. We both had red hair. He read, I read. As a kid he was my favorite Founding Father (you have to imagine an announcer saying Founding… Read more »