My summer internship provided many experiences that will influence my classes at Vernon Malone College and Career Academy ( I focus here on one specific experience because it will directly impact the way I use Project Based Learning (PBL) to teach. At Vernon Malone we use PBL to engage students in authentic learning, much like the experience I had at… Read more »
The most interesting moment during my internship with the ASSIST Center ( occurred on our last day in the lab. We provided feedback on iterations of each team’s work during the course of the internship. However, the most exciting moment was seeing every team’s final products and presentations during the Symposium. Finding time to learn about the hardware and code… Read more »
The ASSIST Center at N.C. State ( did a marvelous job of making me feel welcome and providing much needed support. My gratitude to them, especially for showing me what I had considered science fiction is real right now. I am so proud my alma mater serves as home to the remarkable ASSIST Center and the talented individuals who walk… Read more »
My internship experience will benefit the Advanced Self-Powered Systems of Integrated Sensors and Technologies (ASSIST) Center in at least two specific ways. An immediate but intangible benefit is the contribution I bring to the work of the entire group. My openness, active listening, engagement in all activities and enthusiasm might serve as a model for others in the program. The… Read more »