The process of writing lesson plans incorporating micro sensors and micro energy harvesters proved a huge challenge. Finding a way to work in the concepts, programming and applications in a Biology class pushed me to the limits. Thank you ASSIST Center ( and Kenan Fellows for pushing me outside my comfort zone. My experiences during the Kenan Fellowship, combined with… Read more »
Ed Foo Day 4 Goodbyes How do you describe the most amazing conference you ever attended? I begin by declaring this, not a conference, but a weekend camp. We were campers after all, on an outing to discover challenges My transformation began on the first night. My conversations on Friday night let me know right away this was different. I… Read more »
Ed Foo Day 2 Continued I used amazing twice in my last mini-post. Trust me, I did not exaggerate. The afternoon proceeded along similar lines. Talk after talk challenged traditional thinking, built on the familiar, extended the possible and generally created one “Wow” moment after another. A theme is emerging. Holy crap! Gee! Why didn’t I think of that? How… Read more »
Ed Foo Day 2 Last night was amazing! Our opening event went on until after 2200h and involved countless mini-discussions all focused on education. For a teacher, this equates to professional development heaven. As we break for lunch I am faced with the challenging task of tracking all the incredible information exchanged in a way that will allow me to… Read more »