Deborah K. Mangum

Deborah Mangum is in the behavior change business. A certified coach, counselor, teacher, mediator and facilitator–from Myers-Briggs to Tilt 365–she empowers leaders and learners at all levels of business, education, non-profit and academia to realize their potential for greatness. With special expertise in the networking, pharmaceutical and tech industries, she uses her decades of experience and knowledge of business best practices, from start-up to scale-up, to help clients achieve better solutions for increased effectiveness.

A seasoned entrepreneur and recognized program innovator with a long history of effective people-building and change creation, she co-owned and operated a successful publishing and software company and founded the Kenan Fellows Program at NC State University to promote science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Deborah continues to be a trusted coach and strategic partner with Raleigh’s Red Hat, the world’s leading provider of open source solutions. Expert at bringing people together to ask “what if…,” she is passionate about helping others realize their potential, building community and creating collaborative partnerships between the private and public sector for the greater good.