JoITL Vol. 6, No. 1 (2022)

Table of Contents


Relationship Between Grit and Teacher Leadership, and Their Effects on the Academic Achievement of Students in an International School in Malaysia

Noel Kuan Kiat Lau & Gurcharan Singh Bishen Singh
School of Education, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Nottingham Malaysia

How K-12 Educators Perceive Advocacy for the Education Profession in the United States: A Systematic Scoping Review

Karen Lauritzen
University of Idaho

Growing Effective Leaders through an Original Curriculum Design that is Stewarded by Innovation, Persistence, and Self-Determination: The Old Main STREAM Academy Educational Model

Dr. Brenda Dial-Deese & Dr. Tiffany Locklear

“It’s Not Intentional”: Contradictions in Culturally Responsive Teaching

Jeanne Dyches, Brandon Sams & Deani Thomas
Iowa State University

Cultivating Capital: Sustaining the STEM Identities of Rural Latinx Youth

Corina De La Torre & Corrie Dobis
North Carolina State University

Relationship of Teacher Leadership with Organizational, Professional, and Individual Outcomes: Proofs from Turkey

Metin Kaya & Kadir Kaplan

Medipol Üniversitesi & Bayburt Üniversitesi