JOITL Vol. 4, No. 1 (2019)

Table of Contents


A New Paradigm for STEM Learning and Identity in English Language Learners: Science Translation As Interdisciplinary, Multi-Modal Inquiry

Dr. Patricia Gray, UNC-Greensboro, Amy Germuth, EvalWorks LLC, Jessica MacNair, Cabarrus County School System, Claire Simpson, UNC-Greensboro, Sarah Sowa, Central Piedmont Community College, Nancy van Duin, Guilford County School System & Claudia Walker, Guilford County School System

Translating Research to Practice on Individual and Collective Mathematics and Science Identity Formation: Pedagogical Recommendations for Teachers

Dr. Rebecca Hite, Texas Tech University and Dr. Mona Tauber, The Langley School

A Case Study Approach to STEM Supervision: A Collaborative Model for Teaching
and Principal Preparation

Dr. Dennis Kubasko, Dr. Ginger Rhodes, and Dr. William Sterrett, UNC-Wilmington

Factors Influencing Student Academic Performance in Online Credit Recovery

Dr. Dave Nourse, University of Nevada, Las Vegas


Learning-focused Teacher Leadership: The Professional Development School (PDS) Advantage

Dr. Jana Hunzicker, Bradley University